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At bMindful Psychology our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aim is to create positive outcomes for our local community

Planting a Tree

bMindful Psychology is committed to being a responsible organisation, both in terms of how we work with the young people we support and also in how we contribute to the wider community and environment.


Exploring local issues or understanding how organisation’s particular competence can help local communities is an excelent way into embrace CSR.


Pursuing an active CSR programme has multiple benefits for bMindful Psychology where our apporach is both sustainable and ties in with our core competencies, where our staff colleagues who apply their skills to help the local community can learn in return.


Pursuing an active environmental policy does not only help the planet, it can also save the organisation money with reduced energy bills. as well as driving our reputation with our clients and within the space that we operate so that bMindful stands out from the crowd.


Social Purpose

When an organisation leads with social purpose, respondents were:


  • 76% more likely to trust that organisation

  • 72% more likely to be loyal to that company

  • 70% more likely to defend that organisation

  • 72% more likely to forgive that company in the

    case of a misstep


Businesses are increasingly turning to CSR to make a difference and build a positive brand around their organisation. And because social responsibility is not a mandated practice, it can function as a powerful differentiator for businesses that partake.


Source: (correct as at August 2021).

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