Supported Accommodation for Young People
bMindful is a specialist psychology service with particular expertise in supporting young people who have experienced trauma and are in need of support. We provide high quality therapeutic services, training, and materials, for organisations, parents, carers, children and young people.
Through our model of services, we help Supported Accommodation providers meet their requirements in line with the key principles of the quality standards.
A range of training programmes and accredited qualifications to support the learning and understanding of your team members.
‘Why Can’t You Just Behave?’ A trauma informed look at behaviour
MHFA England Accredited Course Youth Mental Health First Aid
Child Sexual Abuse
Harmful Sexual Behaviours
Self Injurious Behaviour
Understanding the PACE Model
Understanding Eating Difficulties
Building Your Own Resilience
Uncovering Youth Violence & Exploitation
Attached Theory and
Developmental Trauma
Level 2 Accredited Award: Therapeutic Skills for Trauma Informed Practice
Level 3 Accredited Award:
How to Build a Therapeutic Environment
Bespoke activities dependent on the needs of the young person e.g. 1:1 work/therapy with the young person or team members, team/group consultation depending on the needs of the child.
Through regular consultation with key individuals and the wider team we will support you in considering the young persons experiences, current needs and how best to support them for independent living.
We use a variety of assessment measures, review the young person’s history and liaise with team members. Our team develop a psychological formulation to support the understanding of the young person.
Our three phase programme Keyworker Intervention Tools for Therapeutic Care (KIT) has been developed in order to provide resources and support for residential services, foster carers and education providers.