Therapeutic Residential Childcare
We firmly believe that true therapeutic care needs to be demonstrated every day, by every individual involved in the lives of the young people. The services we provide assist those key individuals to recognise and understand how early trauma has had a lasting impact on their psychological, emotional and relational well-being, and how best to support them moving forward.
We take time to focus on the team members themselves and what shapes their own beliefs, principles and how they respond to the child, giving them space to reflect and offer support to learn methods of self regulation and resilience.
With significant expertise within the residential care sector, supporting looked after children, we have developed a range of services (delivered at the right time, with the right approach) to support the child and the care team around them.
We offer a comprehensive range of services including:
A range of assessments including Trauma Symptoms Checklist (TSCC); Resiliency Scales (RSCA), Adverse Childhood Experiences; Assessment Checklist for Adolescents (ACA or ACC); Intelligence Scales (WISC) etc followed by the production of a detailed Psychological Formulation to provide an informed foundation and picture of the child
Regular participation in multi-disciplinary team meetings, including Responsible Individual, Registered Managers, Education representatives and Social Workers
Regular delivery of Team Consultation – an opportunity to discuss the needs of the child, reflect on activities and incidents, practices and approaches that have worked well and those that need to be adapted
Bespoke intervention tailored to each individual child whether that be one to one support with the child, one to one support with the key worker, group consultation, support with LAC reviews, attendance at professionals meetings and reviews etc.
Access to our Keyworker Intervention Toolkit for Therapeutic Care (KIT) – our three phase programme Keyworker Intervention Tools for Therapeutic Care (KIT) has been developed by bMindful Psychology in order to provide residential services, foster carers and schools with a comprehensive resource to support the therapeutic work conducted with the young people in their care.
Specific assessment and support around neurodiverse presentations such as autistic spectrum conditions
Qualified AIM3 support, assessment and intervention for homes specialising in the care of young people with harmful sexual behaviours
We have a flexible structure to offer bespoke services attuned to the needs of the children and their carers, supporting the team to deliver high quality therapeutic care.